St. John's Church
St. Peter Port, Guernsey
Nurturing our Community with God's Love and Hope

We are blessed with such a beautiful building and called to be faithful stewards of it for future generations to enjoy. Unlike the ancient Parish Churches in Guernsey we receive no money from the rates. The upkeep of the building and the daily running costs are our responsibility. We rely solely on the generosity of our community to support us in all we do. We are very grateful for any donations you are able to make to support us in our mission to support the community around us.
Thank you!
You may wish to set up a monthly standing order so that you can give regularly to St. John's without the hassle.
This method really helps us to be able to manage our finances better.
If you would like to set up a standing order please click here to download the form, then fill it in and send to your bank. Or use the details on the form to set up a standing order through your online banking.
If you use online banking,
please use the details below to make a payment, stating in the reference if this is weekly offertory or a donation
Bank Details
St. John's Church
Sort Code: 60-09-20
Account: 70582629
Reference: Weekly Offertory, Donation or
West Window Fund
Alternatively use the QR code below to reach the payment page
Open the camera on your phone
focus it on the QR code below
Follow the instructions on your phone screen to make payment by credit or debit card
This is fast and secure

If you have any questions regarding donations to St. John's please get in touch with Tim our treasurer:

For many people, online banking is a step too far, and still deal in good old cash.
If this is still your preference you may like to be included on our envelope scheme.
You will receive a box of envelopes, with one dated for each week of the year.
Simply place your weekly offering in the envelope and bring it to the church.
EASY FUNDRAISING is a site which enables you to contribute a percentage of your online purchases to the church at no additional cost to you.
Many online retailers will make a % contribution to your chosen charity.
St. John's has raised £145 in the last year through this method.
To sign up for this click here